The Notorious Piles: Causes, Treatment & Medications

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The Notorious Piles: Causes, Treatment & Medications

Haemorrhoids commonly called as piles are nothing but inflamed veins in the lower anus or rectum. The swelling or inflammation in these tissues can create more inflammation in other tissues. These tissue growth can vary in size and location.

A very common yet painful disease, piles or Haemorrhoids cause noticeable symptoms for at least 50% of the cases, while sometimes show no symptoms.

Piles can occur both internally and externally. While internal piles occur within the rectum walls, external piles may grow outside the anus. Normally, external piles are not visible during an external examination. Grading internal piles on a four-point scale:

  1. Grade I: The growth of such piles are symptomless and does not bulge out of the anus.
  2. Grade II: These may prolapse from the anus but tend to return inside immediately.
  3. Grade III: In here, the piles prolapse and a manual intervention is needed to push it in.
  4. Grade IV: These piles generally prolapse outside and cannot be pushed back.

External piles on the other hand form small lumps on the outside of the anus. These are itchy and can be painful at times as they develop blood clots. And these haemorrhoids or externals piles that have clotted, need immediate medical attention.

Symptoms of piles

Symptoms of piles are not serious, and in some cases they resolve on their own. An individual with piles may experience certain symptoms like:

  1. Painful lumps in and around the anus
  2. Discomfort and itching around the anus
  3. Discomfort during and after passing stools.
  4. Bloody stool

In many cases piles has seen to escalate into severe conditions like:

  1. Excessive bleeding in anus, leading to anaemia
  2. Infection
  3. Faecal incontinence
  4. Anal fistula
  5. Strangulated haemorrhoids

However in certain cases, many people with piles experience zero symptoms.

Causes of Piles

Increased pressure in thelower rectumcause piles. The blood vessels around the anus stretch underpressure and may swell and bulge, forming piles. These form due to:

  1. Chronic Constipation
  2. Chronic Diarrhoea
  3. Lifting Heavy Weights
  4. Straining while passing stool

Risk Factors of Piles

Certain number of factors are responsible for increasing a person’s risk of developing piles. Some of them are:

  • Pregnancy: Did you know, due to increased pressure on the pelvis, and higher incidences of constipation, up to 50% of women experience piles during pregnancy.
  • Age: Pile is a common disease among elders or older adults. Nearly 50% of people over the age of 50 develop piles.
  • Weight: Overweight can also increase the risk of piles, says research.
  • Diet: Fibres are said to be piles cutter. People having a regular diet low in fibre have an increased risk of having piles.

Basic Treatment of Notorious Piles:-

Any specialised doctor for piles will always recommend, if not, some lifestyle changes to manage piles. Piles generally occur due to straining during bowel movements. Excessive straining is the result of constipation. This can be overcome with a change in diet. A change of diet involving a regular intake of fibre, will ultimately help you in keeping the stool regular and soft.

Doctors do also generally advise increasing the water intake. Losing weight also helps in reducing the incidence of piles.

Severe prolapsed piles, leading to bleeding may lead to surgery. Several surgical procedures include:

  1. Banding
  2. Sclerotherapy
  3. Infrared coagulation
  4. Hemorrhoidectomy
  5. Hemorrhoid stapling


Your doctor may suggest various medicinal options to make your symptoms for piles manageable. Some of them are:

  • Pain relievers: Pain relievers like aspirin and ibuprofen can reduce discomfort.
  • Stool softener: Several stool softeners and laxatives can help in passing stool easier, ultimately reducing piles pain.
  • Corticosteroids: Corticosteroid creams and ointments can reduce swelling, pain and itching

Piles can be painful… But treatment options and medications are available. For best results contact Dr. Ashok Acharya @Dhanwantaree CLinic, Nayapalli.

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