Surgery & the mind bending fear of it !
The effects of planned surgery can be invasive on human minds. It can be scary at times, & it can be mind binding too. Setting your expectations for success won’t be enough. However, seeing a best surgeon can be breathtaking.
Surgery means lots of fear and questions in your mind. Your mind must be overflowing with questions relating to it. Seeing a surgeon would be stress free, as they have a reputation of being technical specialists. The surgeon needs to be confident enough to provide comfort, care and cool in his approach while consulting or examining the patient. So, in such cases, seeing the right surgeon can be an overwhelming experience.
Yes, obviously it sounds easy for us to say this at a writers’ end, but setting the right expectations by discussing your issues with your surgeon can be breathtaking. It can relax your anxiety and make you feel comfortable just before the surgery. Accepting the surgical procedure, explained by the surgeon, in a relaxed and confident state of mind helps in the best post surgical healing and recovery.
Best surgeon :- Things You Need To Do Before A Planned Surgery
1. Narrate your story to the Doctor: Narrating your story would be the best way to start your conversation with your doctor. Just not the overall problem, but every in depth details of the problems you are facing for example:
a. In depth details of issues you are facing because of your disease, that may be an aching body, nausea, breathless, sleepless nights, painful organs, or more
b. You also need to discuss the things you enjoy doing, but are unable to with your current condition.
c. Your daily activities
d. If your health condition is affecting your bonding with your family or social circle
e. Any leisure plans like travelling, life events, vacations, weddings, etc.
2. Listen Carefully: Listen to what your doctor has to say. While discussing with you about your surgical options, your surgeon might discuss various key particulars including type of surgery, potential complications, risks, steps to faster recovery, dietary requirements and outcomes.
3. Ask questions & Take notes: Ask your doctor about how the surgery is gonna affect your daily life and activities, like playing football, cooking, reading, travelling or any other thing. Take notes of your surgeons’ suggestions and advice, that may be medications, dietary supplements or requirements, or any other information. This will ensure you to not forget any particular information provided by your surgeon and might help you achieve a successful surgery and a faster recovery. Remember, a good surgeon will always encourage all kinds of related questions from you and will always be able to address them with confidence and clarity.
4.Define success before surgery: After you discuss your story, and once the surgeon has explained to you in detail, it’s time to discuss success. Success can be styled in different ways for both the patient and the surgeon. However, it is therefore required to make it clear with your surgeon and discuss the complications and risks at stake. Only then can you calculate the success.
5. Give Yourself Time to digest facts: All surgical procedures can have intra or postoperative complications. It’s important that your surgeon has the ability to deal with rare, tough and unusual complications. And digesting or processing facts about it can take time. At times your initial expectations may not match your surgeon’s realistic expectations. All surgeries are not urgent. And if it’s not, take your time, take time to process your surgeon’s idea of success, take time to reduce your anxiety, your stress.
Human body is the most advanced machine created by god and the response to medications and procedures is a variable. So while managing such a machine, the mind of the surgeon should be logical, analytical and focused. Appointing a right surgeon is the key to everything. It can help you overcome stress, it can help you complicate less and will not let anxiety take over you. Consult Dr. Ashok Acharya @ Dhanwantaree Clinic, Bhubaneswar for the right treatment and the right surgeon.